
What Are The Benefits of In-Office Teeth Whitening In Fremont

November 22, 2022

Teeth Whitening

5 Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and if you’re dissatisfied with the look of your teeth, it can meddle with your life. You may even get hesitant to smile or laugh & preferring instead to hide your teeth.

Fortunately, it’s easy to get a white smile in just a few days with our in-office teeth whitening treatment in Fremont.

1. Thorough & Even Whitening

Professional teeth whitening can target both intrinsic and extrinsic stains. Intrinsic stains are within your tooth enamel and are due to infection, medication, aging, or any trauma to the tooth. Extrinsic stains are due to smoking or some foods and beverages like red wine and coffee. Over-the-counter products can only target extrinsic stains, leaving behind those relentless, hard-to-reach intrinsic stains. A professional teeth whitening treatment in Fremont will target both extrinsic and intrinsic stains, giving you a beautiful white smile.

2. Speed & Reliability

No more lingering around for 3 months to see if your whitening toothpaste or strips are working or not. A professional teeth whitening treatment can give you a noticeably whiter smile in just one hour. The effects will be reliable and with recommended at-home maintenance, it will be long-lasting also.

3. Professional Teeth Whitening Will Protect Your Gums

If a teeth whitening agent comes into contact with your gums, it can induce extreme irritation and harm your gum tissue. Over-the-counter products can also break down your tooth enamel and cause tooth sensitivity. A professional teeth whitening treatment is much safer and more comfortable because you will have a professional dental expert conducting the procedure and monitoring the improvement every step of the way. Your gums and other sites of your mouth will be carefully protected throughout the treatment.

4. Customized Treatments

Products available over the counter are one-size-fits-all. You can not customize your treatment to accomplish your preferred tooth shade. However, professional whitening treatments are customizable to your tastes and can concentrate on the places you need whitening the most. Some areas of your teeth may have more in-depth stains than others and require more bleaching agents to remove the stains. Professional whitening treatments can be customized to the requirements of each tooth, leaving you with an even & white smile. Over-the-counter products may only whiten surface stains on your teeth and cannot manage the deeper stains, resulting in a patchy & uneven smile.

5. Receive A Professional Opinion

Not everyone is a good candidate for teeth whitening treatments, and most will not understand whether they are a candidate for teeth whitening until they visit their nearest dentist in Fremont. If a tooth is discolored because of a root canal, teeth whitening treatments will be inefficient, and your Fremont dentist will suggest other treatment options, such as protecting the tooth with a crown or substituting it with a dental veneer. Rather than wasting time and money on buying over-the-counter products that may not perform well, you can find out the root cause of the problems of your tooth discoloration and receive more useful as well as faster treatments.

A Whiter & Brighter Smile With Professional Teeth Whitening In Fremont

Remove those stubborn stains from your teeth and boost your confidence with a professional teeth whitening treatment. Now, no more wasting money on over-the-counter whitening products that do not deliver and only drive damage to your enamel and gum tissue. Extrinsic and intrinsic stains react well to professional treatments, and you will witness extreme results after just one appointment.

At Fremont Dental Group, we understand that a white, healthy, and more radiant smile is a confidence booster and improves the quality of life. To learn more about our affordable and advanced teeth whitening treatment, contact one of our Fremont dentists today, & schedule your appointment.